Feeling lonely? Want to meet new people? Join us at Lykke Nytorget on valentines day to find a new valentine, a friend for life or maybe both?
During this event each person who signs up will get to go on several quick dates with different people. Everyone will fill out a form and write down who they would like to meet again. If two people both want to meet each other again it's a match! We will send out the contact information for all your matches 24h after the event.
You can choose yourself if you would like for your matches to receive your instagram, phone number or email. What ever makes you the most comfortable.
This event is for people interested in dating people of the opposite gender.
Are you queer? Don't fear! We are planing to host future events like this for the LGBTQ+ community. Follow us on instagram to keep an eye out for future events! @Lykkenytorget
WHEN: 14/2, 18:00-20:00
WHERE: Lykke Nytorget, Nytorgsgatan 38
Please arrive to the event at 17:45 AT THE LATEST